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Rated 2.98 stars
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2.98 Stars2.98 Stars2.98 Stars
Rated 2.98 stars by 2921 people
Village, The

Official Website
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Theater Release: 7/30/2004
Video Release: 1/11/2005
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Time To Pull the Reins - By Jeffrey Chen
It's a shame about The Village. Director M. Night Shyamalan is a skilled filmmaker -- he knows what he wants and how he wants it to look on the screen. He cares about shot composition, and has great atmosphere control. He's good at getting just the right performances from his... MORE >>

Much Ado About Nothing - By Diana Saenger
After achieving success with The Sixth Sense, Signs and Unbreakable, filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan is a well-recognized name. So too are the mystical, foreboding and surprise endings  he strives for in each of his films. Most of The Village meets... MORE >>

A Hamlet Moment - By David Haviland
The Village is the latest spooky thriller from M.Night Shyamalan, writer-director of The Sixth Sense. The film is a massive disappointment, chiefly because it only really works on second viewing. Shyamalan’s previous films were engaging dramas in their own right,... MORE >>

All We Have To Fear . . . - By Betty Jo Tucker
What’s this? Frightmaster M.Night Shyamalan taking on a love story? Never thought I’d see that happen, but I’m glad it did. The Village is, at heart, a tender romance played out in a very suspenseful setting. Fortunately, the Shyamalan touch shines through in the eerie... MORE >>

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