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Rated 3.18 stars
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3.18 Stars3.18 Stars3.18 Stars
Rated 3.18 stars by 367 people
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Official Website
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Theater Release: 5/1/2009
Video Release: 9/15/2009
Buy it from Amazon: DVD VHS

In the Beginning - By Diana Saenger
X Men Origins: Wolverine, the first big blockbuster of the year, has hit theaters and is receiving reviews ranging from marvelous to horrible. As a writer, I like stories with a beginning, middle and end, so this prequel to the X-Men series appealed to me.... MORE >>

Nature of the Beast - By Adam Hakari
X-Men Origins: Wolverine marks the third year in a row that a Marvel Comics superhero has started the summer blockbuster season. Comic book adaptations have evolved since the beginning of their current renaissance, long since proving themselves to double as both entertainment and... MORE >>

What Happened Next? - By Betty Jo Tucker
When X-Men Origins: Wolverine ended, I whispered to my husband, “And then what happened?” -- which proves this movie definitely had me hooked and eager for another chapter of  Wolverine’s history. Granted, I’m an avid Hugh Jackman fan more than an X-Men groupie,... MORE >>

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