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Rated 3 stars
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Rated 3 stars by 400 people

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MPAA Rating: PG-13
Theater Release: 11/26/2008
Video Release: 3/3/2009
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Too Many Inconsitencies - By Diana Saenger
Three very talented Aussies got together to make Australia, a sweeping epic about their homeland, and each of their talents enthrall on screen. Unfortunately, the sum of the parts doesn’t add up to a... MORE >>

HIghs and Lows Down Under - By Betty Jo Tucker
How can I complain about a beautifully filmed movie like Australia? Baz Luhrmann’s sprawling epic boasts gorgeous cinematography, a passionate romance, more than a few thrilling sequences -- plus the magnificent... MORE >>

Storytelling in the Land of Oz - By John P. McCarthy
Anyone craving a wide-screen romantic epic need look no further than Australia, Baz Luhrmann's old-school fantasia about his homeland. This throwback to a noble cinematic tradition has no shortage of flaws. Overlong and ungainly in spots, the movie implores viewers... MORE >>

No Thunder Down Under - By Adam Hakari
It's not a good sign when the projectionist tells you to pack a lunch before watching a movie. This happened to me when I went to see Australia, a big slice of epic pie from director Baz Luhrmann. I took my friend's words with a grain of salt, since I enjoyed Moulin... MORE >>

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