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Rated 3.04 stars
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ReelTalk Movie Reviews
3.04 Stars3.04 Stars3.04 Stars
Rated 3.04 stars by 4319 people

Official Website
MPAA Rating: R
Theater Release: 11/24/2004
Video Release: 8/2/2005
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Alexander the Not-So-Great - By Frank Wilkins
Who was Alexander? To the Macedonians of 340 BC, he was a dashing warrior king and a supreme ruler. To his enemies, he was a feared conqueror. To me, he was merely a name in the history books -- always followed by "the Great." But to Oliver Stone, Alexander was a man ahead... MORE >>

Director's Ego Mars Epic - By Diana Saenger
Wouldn’t you think a director like Oliver Stone, who’s made eight films, been nominated for 11 Academy Awards and won three Oscars, could make a story work within the two-hour timeframe of most films? Stone’s Alexander, crossing the line at three hours -- mostly because... MORE >>

Who Planned This Asian Invasion? - By John P. McCarthy
In the name of Zeus, Alexander could've conquered three more barbarian tribes in the time it takes Oliver Stone's soggy biographical epic to unspool. The marathon would be endurable if anything entertaining transpired over the course of three hours. Colin Farrell's callow... MORE >>

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