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Rated 3.04 stars
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3.04 Stars3.04 Stars3.04 Stars
Rated 3.04 stars by 451 people
American Sniper

MPAA Rating: R
Theater Release: 1/16/2015
Video Release: 5/19/2015
Buy it from Amazon: DVD VHS

Eastwood Returns to Top Form - By Frank Wilkins
Where have you been, Mr. Eastwood? We missed you. Thought consigned to the dustbin of once relevant filmmakers, Clint Eastwood comes roaring back with American Sniper, the true story of Chris Kyle, the most lethal sniper in American military history. And not a minute... MORE >>

The Sheepdog Way - By Betty Jo Tucker
The only way I feel comfortable writing about the box-office smash American Sniper seems to be through poetry as well as prose. Consider yourself warned, for below is another one of my film poem/reviews.     Protect your herd,... MORE >>

War Is Soulless - By Richard Jack Smith
American Sniper feels like a change of pace for director Clint Eastwood. His film chronicles the extraordinary life of Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper), a Navy Seal credited with over 160 kills.  Normally, this scenario overflows with Hollywood syrup.... MORE >>

Dealing Death from a Distance - By Donald Levit
In the politics of prizes, The Hurt Locker did better than its deserts, though Mark Boal’s script admittedly dealt up a most eloquent supermarket sequence. Not since The Deer Hunter, however, has Hollywood done such justice as American Sniper to polemical... MORE >>

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