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Rated 3.06 stars by 418 people
Burn After Reading

MPAA Rating: R
Theater Release: 9/12/2008
Video Release: 12/23/2008
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Counter-Intelligent Community - By Jeffrey Chen
Brothers Joel and Ethan Coen could direct a movie like Burn After Reading in their sleep, and I don't mean that as a slight. Filled with their most reliable ingredients, it could be considered a quintessential Coen Bros. film. It's about a crime instigated... MORE >>

Multiple Confederacies of Dunces - By John P. McCarthy
On the heels of their Oscar-winning No Country for Old Men, the Coen Brothers go in a completely different direction with Burn After Reading, a chortle-worthy farce set in and around Washington, D.C. Last year's mordant masterpiece, adapted from... MORE >>

Easy Cynicism - By Donald Levit
Burn After Reading confirms that Minnesota’s No Country for Old Men Coen boys, Joel and Ethan, have scuttled their dry Midwest irony, not only for awards, but also for box office. Contrast character... MORE >>

Amusing and Unpredictable - By Diana Saenger
Had a less notable screenwriter presented the script for Burn After Reading to a studio, there probably would have been loud “are-you-kidding” chuckles emanating from the powers that be. When it’s a project coming from the writing/directing team of Joel and Ethan Coen,... MORE >>

Goofy and Brilliant - By Frank Wilkins
With a Coen Brothers film like Burn After Reading, the only thing more certain than uncertainty itself is the expectation of being treated to the more offbeat aspects of an unpredictable plot involving a gaggle of buffoonish characters. The makers of such fiendishly... MORE >>

Divinely Goofy - By Adam Hakari
With Burn After Reading, the Coen Brothers deliver a very funny mishmash of everything from Internet dating to the world of spies and intelligence, executing the whole shebang in a divinely goofy way only these talented siblings could pull off. Though... MORE >>

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