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Rated 2.95 stars by 585 people
Street Kings

Official Website
MPAA Rating: R
Theater Release: 4/11/2008
Video Release: 8/19/2008
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Intense Thriller - By Diana Saenger
Street crime, an enormous problem in our society, provides fodder for many films. Street Kings, adapted from James Ellroy's novel, is such a film. What looks like another of so many good-cops-gone-bad stories, one character sets this film apart -- and that’s Detective... MORE >>

Men in Black & Blue - By John P. McCarthy
Though he'd never let on, Sgt. Joe Friday would be devastated if Street Kings, a brutal cop thriller set in Los and directed by the screenwriter of Training Day, ever unreeled in that squad room in the sky. Jack Webb's stoical, by-the-book... MORE >>

Protect and Serve - By Adam Hakari
David Ayer and James Ellroy definitely know  something about dirty cops, at least those in the movies, and they've paired up again for Street Kings. Ayer previously penned the scripts for such films as ... MORE >>

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