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Rated 3.02 stars
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3.02 Stars3.02 Stars3.02 Stars
Rated 3.02 stars by 794 people
Charlie Bartlett

Official Website
MPAA Rating: R
Theater Release: 2/22/2008
Video Release: 6/24/2008
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The Doctor Is In - By Geoffrey D. Roberts
First-time director Jon Poll’s Charlie Bartlett is a clever, well-executed comedy about an  intelligent student who has a definite knack for getting himself kicked out of boarding schools -- which means each and every one he’s ever attended. Charlie’s... MORE >>

Genuine Laughs - By Diana Saenger
Charlie Bartlett begins as somewhat of a typical coming-of-age teen comedy, but by the second act it had me thinking it's an original idea with some clever dialogue and stand-out performances. Though many are comparing it to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986), I think... MORE >>

Too Cool for School - By Adam Hakari
One of my favorite teen movies is Pump Up the Volume from the 1990s. About a renegade DJ who truly connected with his small town's angsty youth, the film possessed great amounts of vigor, passion, and intelligence -- all traits one wouldn't think to find in a teen... MORE >>

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