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Rated 2.97 stars
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2.97 Stars2.97 Stars2.97 Stars
Rated 2.97 stars by 989 people
Golden Compass, The

Official Website
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Theater Release: 12/7/2007
Video Release: 4/29/2008
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It's Got Explaining To Do - By Jeffrey Chen
The Golden Compass seems to confuse intelligence with talk, talk, and more talk, and it also seems to think all a movie needs to qualify as a good fantasy is pretty sets plus a lot of cgi. Far be it from me to ask that any genre follow a template for... MORE >>

Go North, Young Lady - By Betty Jo Tucker
Much about The Golden Compass still remains shrouded in mystery to me -- especially the parts about parallel universes and the power of dust -- but I admire the movie’s spunky young heroine and her courageous efforts to save children kidnapped by a powerful organization called... MORE >>

The Golden Tease - By John P. McCarthy
Does the movie make you want to read the book? It's a fair question to ask when gauging The Golden Compass, a film sourced from literature. Posing it as a starting point, however, implies one hasn't been convinced of the movie's purely cinematic merits. This glossy... MORE >>

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