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Rated 3.01 stars by 2315 people
Match Point

Official Website
MPAA Rating: R
Theater Release: 12/28/2005
Video Release: 4/25/2006
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Out of Our Control - By Jeffrey Chen
Woody Allen has been through so much and made so many movies by now that he can probably do whatever he wants these days with little regard for critical and public reaction. I think, as a creative force, that's the best place to be. When you're just starting out, other... MORE >>

No Heart or Soul - By Betty Jo Tucker
What’s luck got to do with it? Practically everything, according to Match Point, a new movie by Woody Allen. The film follows an opportunistic, Dublin-born former tennis pro who becomes rich and successful in London... MORE >>

Point Well Taken. - By Geoffrey D. Roberts
Chris Wilton should have been a contender on the professional tennis circuits, but despite his efforts he has never achieved any of his goals. Disaster always thwarts him and stands in his way. Chris dreams of being successful, maybe even a millionaire.... MORE >>

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