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Rated 3.04 stars
by 477 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
Unusual Suspects
by Betty Jo Tucker

In Mrs. Serial Killer, a wife tries to save her gynecologist husband from being executed for killing six young pregnant women. This psychological thriller from India had me in suspense during most of its running time. It also had me guessing about who did these dastardly deeds. If hubby didn’t do it, who was guilty? Despite the film’s serious theme and downer images, I enjoyed its clever camera tricks, and the parody attitude of certain scenes appealed to me. However, I realize a movie like this is not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s splashed with so much blood and gore. Plus, everything feels too disjointed.

Still, I think some movie fans would appreciate a few of the film’s highlights. My favorite? A scene showing the wife feeling like the walls are closing in on her. Well done!

An intriguing cast works hard to sell this outlandish offering.  Jacqueline Fernandez (Drive) looks gorgeous as the devoted wife. Portraying the accused gynecologist, Manoj Bajpayee (Sonchiriya) reminds us of those old Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde film characters. Darshan Jariwala (BadBoy), playing the bedridden lawyer, projects a mysterious aura in his short sessions with the wife. And, Mohit Raina (Good Newwz) makes the police inspector assigned to the case appear the most puzzling one of all.                      

A husband, wife, lawyer and cop

may say they want killing to stop.

But one of them is the killer,

making this film a real chiller.


“Mrs. Serial Killer” shows

a bit of fun that sometimes glows.

Naughty and nasty with the gore.

Yet some fans might cry out for more.


Faint of heart, please look away.

Not for you this movie to play.

It’s mystery fans who might enjoy

trying to figure out the ploy.

Directed by Shirish Kunder (Sweetheart), Mrs. Serial Killer ends up as a mixed bag. The first scene comes across as quite confusing, but don’t worry. You will see it later again in proper sequence. Plus, despite so many dark scenes, your imagination will work overtime about what’s happening on screen --  and you might be right.  

Serial killers do have a heart, but it’s usually someone else’s. --- Anthony T. Hincks


FULL DISCLOSURE: “Thriller” is my second favorite film genre. The only type of movie that beats a thriller for me is a movie musical. So, of course, I am biased in favor of motion pictures in those two categories.    

(Released by Netflix. Not rated by MPAA.)

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