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Rated 3.01 stars
by 985 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
Russian Drama Rewards Patience
by David Haviland

One of the disappointing aspects of the Harry Potter films is how poorly British child actors compare with America's best, by which of course I mean Hayley Joel Osment. It seems clear that Britain doesn't have a child actor in that class: it seems equally clear after watching The Return that Russia does.

The actor in question is Ivan Dobronravov, who makes his debut here as Ivan. The film opens with a powerful scene, as Ivan and his older brother's friends dare each other to jump off a high tower into rocky waters. Ivan refuses, and is called a coward, but he demonstrates a different kind of courage and tenacity by staying on top of the tower, in freezing conditions, refusing to give in.

Ivan and his brother are taken on a fishing trip by a man who claims to be their father. The older brother, Andrey, is desperate for a male role model, and welcomes the stranger, but Ivan is stubbornly hostile, and refuses to trust this man who may or may not have deserted them.

The film is beautifully shot and loaded with symbolism. Simply told, the story powerfully evokes a sense of rage and powerlessness that comes with childhood. The movie, however, seems terribly slow. Fortunately, it builds to a climax that's well worth your patience.

My rating: 3 out of 5 stars.

(Released by Kino International; not rated by MPAA.)

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