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Rated 3.03 stars
by 278 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
by James Colt Harrison

Magnificent is the least superlative word for Avengers: Endgame. With more than $400 million spent on production, it is all up on the screen for us to “marvel” about and have our eyes pop at the stupendous job the hundreds of crew members and artists it took to put this exhausting three-hour movie together. Bring a couple of sandwiches and a pizza with you to keep from passing out from hunger. What won’t be hungry are your eyes as you feast upon Trent Opaloch’s glorious cinematography and his creativity with IMAX cameras.

Fans know the backstory of the 21 or more films that have come before this wrap-up climax. Comic book fans and movie buffs know all the stories and characters that were originally created by the late Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. It needn’t be said, you know and love your favorites, and you won’t be disappointed here as they all make appearances that range from tiny cameos to major leading parts. An example is gorgeous Michelle Pfeiffer who shows up in a silent shot as Janet van Dyne.

The story is simple. Big, bad Thanos, as acted by beautiful-voiced Josh Brolin, stays true to his meanie nature. It is his goal to wipe out half of the Universe for his own nefarious gains. This cannot be tolerated by the good guys. So, the Avengers gather together for one last time to rectify the situation, confiscate all the magic stones that give Thanos his strength, and rid the universe of his influence and dominance.

Iron Man (Robert Downey, Jr.) more or less leads the pack, with able assistance from beautiful and powerful Captain Marvel, now in the form of the lovely Brie Larson. Mountainous hunk Chris Hemsworth (a gift from Australia) as hammer-throwing Thor is hands-down the best thing in the movie. Now aged as the years have gone by, he also has gone to pot, so to speak. He’s hilarious in his scenes and makes light of his own “muscular” physique, which has now taken on new proportions. Hemsworth shows a talent for comedy and uses it to advantage in all his funny scenes here.

Directors Anthony and Joe Russo have gone as far as they can without  pushing the film over the top. The battle scenes, fights, explosions, and demolishing of cities has almost become insatiably indulgent, but they stop short of getting the audience engorged on too much of “too much.” The stars here are the visual effects talent from Industrial Light & Magic and the Special Effects people at Legacy Effects. Terrifically accomplished, all you men and women! And, oh my God, the stunts! With too many stunt performers to mention, all must be given kudos for their contributions to making Avengers: Endgame one of the most exciting films ever made.

Don’t cry that this may be the last of the Avengers films. There is always a way in Hollywood to revive something that has died. Besides, coming up are these exciting films: Godzilla: King of the Monsters; Spider-Man: Far from Home; Terminator: Dark Fate; Wonder Woman 1984; and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.  Fear not, for Disney CEO Bob Iger has hinted that another Avengers film may be coming down the pike.

(Released by Marvel Studios/ Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures and rated “PG-13” for sequences of sci-fi action and violence, and some language.)

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