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Rated 3.03 stars
by 421 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
A Little Child Shall Lead Them
by Betty Jo Tucker

A 10-year-old girl walking her dog through dark Manhattan streets at 2:00 in the morning? If you can accept that, then Ace the Case should work for you. Helping you suspend disbelief is Ripley Sobo (Winter’s Tale), one of the most talented little girls I’ve seen on screen in a long time. Sobo makes Olivia seem so real -- and we believe everything she feels and does in this mystery flick.

Olivia sees a foul crime.

What can she do at this bad time?

But bravery she does not lack.

She finds a man to watch and track.


A lady cop believes the child,

although her tale seems very wild.

The two team up to danger face

and at long last to Ace the Case.


The bad guys here are not too smart.

Foiled by a child, why did they start?  

Greed for money came into play  

and now they have to rue the day.  

Left in the care of her somewhat obnoxious teenage brother while their mother goes on a two-day business trip, Olivia must pretty much fend for herself. That’s why she’s walking “Charlie” at such an unusual time. The crime she witnesses involves the kidnapping of a neighbor lady by men who force her into a van. When Olivia explains to her brother what she’s seen, he doesn’t believe her at first -- and then tells her not to get involved. But the intrepid Olivia starts her own investigation.   

Fortunately, Olivia meets Detective Wheel (Susan Sarandon), who -- though skeptical at first -- begins to believe the precocious child. Sarandon does a great job making Wheel come across just as convincing as Olivia. It’s a treat to watch these two characters interact with each other. Their best scene involves Wheel taking Olivia to lunch at an Italian restaurant and treating her just like an adult. It’s priceless!

Sadly, most of the other cast members fail to come up to the Sarandon/Sobo standard. However, another stand-out is Lev Gorn (The Americans) as the Surgeon, a man hired by the kidnapped lady’s father to help find her and deal with the kidnappers. Dorn’s serious facial expressions and martial arts body language are such fun to watch. Too bad we don’t know why the Surgeon carries his huge pet rabbit with him almost everywhere.    

This movie may be a bit dark and violent for kids, but so many current films contain much more graphic violence and strong language. That’s why I’m tempted to call Ace the Case light entertainment. However, my inner church lady is not convinced.  

(Released by Gravitas Ventures and rated “PG-13” for some elements of violence and peril, and brief teen drinking.)

For more information about Ace the Case, go to the IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes web site. 

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