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Rated 3 stars
by 293 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
Unlikely Heroes
by Betty Jo Tucker

Please don’t laugh when I say Blackway reminds me a little of The Wizard of Oz. Much like Dorothy in that beloved children’s classic, Lillian (Julia Stiles) needs assistance relating to her home. And she finds it from unlikely heroes (Anthony Hopkins and Alexander Ludwig) who go on a journey with her to find the answer she seeks. Yes, Lillian looks for a terrible man who’s made her life miserable instead of a Wizard she thinks is all powerful. But although a Wicked Witch stands in Dorothy’s way, Lillian’s nemesis, former cop Richard Blackway (Ray Liotta), is just as terrifying. So much for the similarities.

Finding the man harassing her

is all she thinks of. He’s a cur.

But she needs help to stop this guy.

He’s a cruel one, and that is why.


Yet all she counts on are one old man

and his young friend, a hulky fan.

Their search goes on a bit too long.

Still, we’re content to go along.


Hopkins, Ludwig and Julia Stiles

hold our interest through all the miles.

When Ray Liotta comes on screen,

he acts like he’s the King of Mean!


Richard Blackway, the villain’s name.

Brutality, his evil game.

Who will win their final big fight?

Is courage what will make things right?

It’s a treat to watch the excellent performances in Blackway. Stiles (Out of the Dark) projects both strength and vulnerability. She makes us believe the agony her character suffers as well as her determination to make Blackway cease and desist his interference in her life. Oscar-winner Hopkins (Silence of the Lambs) offers an intriguing laid-back turn that keeps us guessing about why he wants to help Lillian. Ludwig (Final Girl and TV’s Vikings) is splendid as the naïve muscle man of this dedicated trio. Liotta (Wild Hogs and TV’s Shades of Blue) pushes the bad-guy envelope almost to the cartoon villain category, but it definitely works in this suspenseful thriller. WARNING: After seeing Blackway, you might have nightmares about Liotta.

On the negative side, the mostly first-rate background music seems intrusive at times, and the road-trip scenes get a bit repetitive. But those are minor complaints.

If you enjoy intense thrillers about a woman in jeopardy, consider adding Blackway to your must-see list.                    

(Released by Enderby Entertainment and rated “R” for violence, menace, language and brief nudity.)

For more information about Blackway, go to the IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes website.

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