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Rated 3 stars
by 276 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
Mum's the Word
by Betty Jo Tucker

Did hubby kill

his lovely spouse

and prove to be

an evil louse?


No body found --

just signs of strife

and troubles in

their married life.


Perfect casting,

Ben Affleck plays

a guy with faults

in many ways.


Rosamund Pike

as wife excels.

Praise for her work

now surely swells.


An edgy mood

so tense and dank

creeps through our minds,

Fincher to thank.


A mystery

Gone Girl may be.

But you’ll not learn

more plot from me.


For that would ruin

the film for you

and that’s one thing

I will not do.


As promised, this is a non-spoiler review of Gone Girl. Instead of discussing key plot points in the intriguing mystery, we’ll focus on its artistry of presentation and the way the film makes us feel. It’s no surprise that director David Fincher draws us into the events surrounding the deteriorating marriage of Amy and Nick Dunne, played to perfection by Rosamund Pike (Die Another Day) and Ben Affleck (Argo). Fincher has worked similar magic in such thrillers as Se7en and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. He certainly knows how to pique our curiosity and then maintain it to the very end of a movie!

With Gone Girl, Fincher received considerable help from author Gillian Flynn, who wrote the riveting screenplay based on her own compelling novel of the same name. Plus, the film’s impressive background music (by Trent Reyner and Atticus Ross) and cinematography (by Jeff Cronenweth) simply couldn’t be better. Both add just the right touches to make this movie stand out as a memorable experience for viewers who love to see well-done mystery films. As a result, we feel the tension mounting scene by scene. What has happened to Amy? Is Nick guilty of a heinous crime? Will the press frenzy help or hinder the investigation of Amy’s disappearance?

Gone Girl captivated me almost as much as Vertigo, my favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie. And that’s high praise indeed. This unusual offering emerges as sure-fire Oscar bait for 2014.

People love a mystery, and that’s why they love my paintings. --- Salvadore Dali

The secret to a happy marriage remains a secret. – Henny Youngman

(Released by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and rated “R” for a scene of bloody violence, some strong sexual content/nudity, and language)

For more information about Gone Girl, go to the IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes website.

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