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Rated 3.11 stars
by 302 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
Ignoring Graduation
by Richard Jack Smith

The makers of Monsters University set about on their journey with a pre-conceived idea based on an illogical first step. Mike and Sulley are freshmen on campus. They haven't established their reputation as a great scare team, and the way this film charts their budding alliance lacks crucial focus.
From start to agonising finish, there's little humour and even the best examples border on desperation. Monsters Inc. featured Boo, a human character who balanced the comedy. In Monsters University, only the creatures rule. Therefore, without a recognisable race to create some empathy, we're lost in an alien land.
Randy Newman's score tries very hard to energise and lift the viewer's expectations. However, the central melody comes equipped with a personality problem -- all bounce and no real weight.
Overall, Monsters University will probably delight its target audience, while the rest of us may feel like nodding off around the thirty minute mark. (Capsule Review)

(Released by Disney•Pixar and rated “G” for all audiences.)

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