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Rated 3.04 stars
by 621 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
After Emily
by Betty Jo Tucker

That Fall, a splendid little independent movie, offers viewers a compelling mystery. How did Emily, the darling little daughter of Janet and Adam Wilson, die and who is responsible? As the tale unwinds, we see how this tragedy takes its painful toll on the parents. And we care about them as well as about Luke, the suspected killer. That Fall proves it’s possible to make a quality film without a big budget.

Much of the credit goes to the director, the cinematographer and the editor. In this case, Sarju Patel wears all three hats -- and even appears in a cameo. Although That Fall is Patel’s first feature film as a director, it moves along at an appropriate pace with only very few exceptions. It also showcases the actors and story instead of mind-numbing special effects, car chases or pretentious camera gimmicks.

The cast is equally impressive. With her impeccable articulation, Liza de Weerd (Alias), who plays Janet, projects a Glenn Close-like sensitivity and charismatic on-screen presence. As Luke, Joe McClean (who also wrote the script) does an excellent job keeping us guessing about the true nature of his character. Joseph Campo (Snap) manages to capture the rage, followed by depression, of a father who’s lost his only child. And, despite the film’s subject matter, Melissa Wolfe (Monk) simply sparkles as Janet’s overly helpful sister-in-law. Oops! I almost forgot to mention Claire Schlaman’s lovely work as Emily. She appears only briefly here, but it doesn’t take long for her to steal your heart.

That Fall grabs our interest early on when Adam finds a man with blood on his hands hovering over the body of his daughter Emily. Because of insufficient evidence, the suspect is released. This enrages Adam, who starts drinking heavily. He and his wife Janet split up, as do many couples after such a tragedy. When Janet moves in with her brother, the sister-in-law arranges a blind date for her. Janet soon falls for Luke, this apparently caring new man, but she doesn't know he's the one involved in her daughter's death. 

Did Luke kill Emily? You’ll have to see That Fall to find out. (Capsule review)

(Released by Red and Tan Productions; not rated by MPAA. For more information, visit       

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