Scary Horror Documentary
The Mothman Legacy, an intriguing horror documentary, arrives just in time for Halloween 2020. The movie was scheduled to premiere in theaters last September but cancelled because of COVID-19. Fortunately for horror fans, the film will be released on digital platforms on October 20.
I first became interested in this frightening urban myth while watching the 2002 Mothman Prophecies movie starring Richard Gere and based on the novel by parapsychologist John Keel. I wanted to know more, so it was a treat for me to see The Mothman Legacy, which includes eyewitness interviews as well as wonderful drawings and paintings of the red-eyed creature. I'm pleased to report that much of this offering is exceptionally artistic and well done.
The Mothman legend goes back to the 1960s. The location? Pleasant Valley, West Virginia – a quiet little town shaken to its core by sightings of a winged creature with red eyes. The first sightings took place near an old munitions dump. Many felt the Mothman was a harbinger of doom and that these sightings had something to do with the 1967 Silver Bridge collapse. The Mothman Legacy even shows how a Mothman museum was established in Pleasant Valley, which proves the important influence of this legend there.
It’s interesting to note that Pleasant Valley was settled by Irish-Scottish immigrants. Is it just a coincidence that folklore from their culture includes a demon fairy with red eyes? Or that indigenous people in that area have Thunderbird, a powerful spirit in the form of a bird, in their lore?
I applaud the way writer/director Seth Breedlove (Terror in the Skies) makes sure to cover questions about the origins of the legend and how deep it goes for believers. Surprisingly, the sightings never seem to end.
Fiery red eyes stare right at you!
Is this the Mothman that you view?
Other witnesses do declare
they’ve seen this creature in the air.
Back in the sixties it began
and frightened folks as demons can.
Could this be warning about doom?
No wonder some view it with gloom.
Where does it come from? No one knows.
Theories abound as story grows.
A museum, film, and a book
help the curious take a look.
Now documentary is here
showing facts, fantasy and fear.
Watch MOTHMAN LEGACY to find
what this winged creature left behind.
I can believe things that are true and things that aren’t true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they’re true or not. --- Neil Gaiman
(Released by 1091 Pictures. Not rated by MPAA.)