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Rated 3.01 stars
by 191 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
Hilarious New Zealand Romp
by Betty Jo Tucker

I watched The Breaker Upperers because Jemaine Clement was listed as a cast member. He makes me laugh so much in “The Flight of the Concords” on TV! But, attention all Clement fans, he appears only briefly in this New Zealand comedy about two best friends and their unique business activities -- and it’s not a pretty sight. Although a bit too raunchy for my inner church lady, the film had me in stitches most of the time, thanks to leading ladies Madeleine Sami and Jackie van Beck, who also co-wrote and co-directed this amusing offering.

Sami and van Beck play two women disillusioned by love after a bad experience with the same chap. They are now working together to help other people get rid of a cheating partner or one they’re simply tired of. The shenanigans these hilarious ladies come up with will boggle your mind. And some get them into a great deal of trouble.

The co-stars play off each other in a brilliant comical way. It’s such fun to watch them together! Their different personalities clash and cause them problems, but we know they seem meant to be good friends. After all, a friend is someone who knows all your faults and likes you just the same.

A couple of entertaining musical numbers -- especially the rousing last sequence featuring an energetic Ana Scotney -- also add to the enjoyment of watching The Breaker Upperers.  

Below is my poem dedicated to this fun New Zealand movie.              

If breaking up seems hard to do.

Perhaps these ladies can help you.

They pose as cops if need is there

or work up plots for those who dare.


Oh-so different are these gals.

One is harsh, the other wants pals.

Both were cheated on by one man.

Helping others now if they can.


Breaking Upperers is their biz.

But this effort requires a wiz.

Mishaps and foibles rule the roost.

Can friendship give them both a boost?


Lots of laughs and outrageous stuff

entertain us -- but not the rough.

Crude behavior and lewd remarks

take time away from this film’s sparks.

Trying to look cool and lovely in comedy is a recipe for disaster. You have to let go. --- Lucy Punch

Comedy always pushes some buttons because it wouldn’t be comedy if it didn’t. --- Beth Behrs

(Released by Piki Films and Netflix. Not rated by MPAA)

For more information about The Breaker Upperers, go to the IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes website.

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