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Rated 2.98 stars
by 329 people

ReelTalk Movie Reviews
Nobody's Perfect
by Betty Jo Tucker

Three friends are close and think as one.

But baby making isn’t fun.

The artist wants a child so bad

without one he’ll be very sad.


He even plays a baby boy

in his art video, oh joy.

He gets his mate and his best friend

to do their part – but to what end?


Creating a new life it seems

might not answer all of his dreams.

Things are afoot, to his despair,

that cause chaos beyond repair.


Nasty Baby can fool us all.

A downer? Yes, and one with gall.

It makes us wonder what we’d do

when facing heartbreak oh so new.


Nobody’s perfect, we all know.

Nor is this film a perfect show.

Still, I applaud its acting cast.

They hold our interest to the last.

Sebastiάn Silva (The Maid) not only directs Nasty Baby, he also wrote and stars in this unusual film that takes a shocking turn during the last act. What starts out as a gentle story about a loving, gay couple (Silva and Tunde Adebimpe) and their close friend (Kristen Wiig) trying to make a baby ends up as something else entirely. And that’s too bad -- because the early part of the movie showcases such a lovely, caring relationship among these three people.

Plus, humor abounds in several scenes related to the video project Freddy (Silva) is creating, titled “Nasty Baby.” We get to see him imitating a baby screaming, cooing, smiling, and so forth. And we feel sorry for Polly (Wiig) as she tries to become pregnant by inserting sperm from both Freddy and Mo (Adebimpe) at various times.

But we should have sensed that things might take a turn for the worse. Freddy, Polly and Mo come in frequent contact with Bishop (Reg E. Cathey/Fantastic Four), a mentally challenged neighbor with annoying habits and negative feelings about gay people. He’s a pathetic character but not one thought to be violent. How could things go so wrong?

Wiig is becoming more and more fearless in her choice of screen roles. Don’t expect anything even close to her hilarious Bridesmaids performance here. As in Hateship Loveship, she comes across as totally serious and very convincing. As the gay couple, Silva and Adebimpe (Rachel Getting Married) appear natural and comfortable together.  In fact, while watching the first act of the movie, I felt like a Peeping Tom looking in on real people. It's disappointing that so much changed at the end.       

(Released by The Orchard and rated “R” for sexual content, disturbing violence, language, drug use and graphic nude images.)

For more information about Nasty Baby, go to the IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes website.

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