CAPTAIN: A Dark Comedy Gem

Nicole Stuart and Jack Sundmacher, writers and co-stars of CAPTAIN, plan to drop by the next Movie Addict Headquarters show for a discussion of their amazing dark comedy -- a short film focusing on the question “How far are you willing to go to inspire someone?”
Nicole has appeared in such movies as Bride Wars, Pre-Selected and Orange Blossoms as well as in various TV shows including Criminal Minds, George Lopez and V.I.P. She was also an assistant director of The Magic Bubble starring George Clooney. Jack has starred in several independent movies and began writing films three years ago. He was recently nominated for the James Kirkwood Literary Award at UCLA.
CAPTAIN premieres June 6th at the 12th Annual Dances with Films Festival in Los Angeles, but that won’t be the last you hear about it!
Listen to this special BlogTalkRadio show and find out why writer’s block, pole dancing, and dog sitting can be such a fascinating, yet dangerous, combination.
DATE: Tuesday, June 2, 2009
TIME: 4 p.m. Eastern Time (1 p.m. Pacific Time)
HOST: Betty Jo Tucker
CO-HOST: Jazz Shaw
PRODUCER: Nikki Starr
CALL-IN NUMBER: 646-478-5668
LINK: Please click here.
(For more information about CAPTAIN, please go to the film’s official site at