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Rated 2.97 stars
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Rated 2.97 stars by 2503 people
Da Vinci Code, The

Official Website
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Theater Release: 5/19/2006
Video Release: 11/14/2006
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Tough Adaptation Code to Crack - By Jeffrey Chen
When I read Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, I kept thinking it would make a fun movie -- a simple chase structure containing an intriguing mystery about exposing a dark secret of Christianity. But I obviously didn't think about it hard enough; in hindsight, this book must've been... MORE >>

Engrossing from Start to Finish - By Geoffrey D. Roberts
The Da Vinci Code opens with Robert Langdon, played by Tom Hanks, astonished at Inspector Fache's request for assistance with the Jacques Sauniere murder investigation. Although Langdon was supposed to meet with Sauniere before his lecture on symbols... MORE >>

Purgatory Awaits Those Who Play It Safe - By John P. McCarthy
Heaven may await those who play it safe, but Ron Howard and company were too cautious when adapting Dan Brown’s controversial best-seller The Da Vinci Code. It may have seemed like a shrewd tack given the success of the book; and it’s not exactly out of character for the... MORE >>

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