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Rated 3 stars by 3562 people
Interpreter, The

Official Website
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Theater Release: 4/22/2005
Video Release: 10/4/2005
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Good Old-Fashioned Paranoia - By Jeffrey Chen
The Interpreter feels like an old-fashioned Hollywood thriller, and perhaps this should come as no surprise. After all, its director is Sydney Pollack, helming his first movie in about five or six years. Interesting story: as I watched the new movie, starring Nicole Kidman... MORE >>

Divining Whispers at the U.N. - By John P. McCarthy
No doubt the United Nations complex in New York is a serious place. Even detractors would concede the diplomacy conducted there and under U.N. auspices around the world is weighty, if often ineffectual, stuff.  Judging by The Interpreter, a stolidly... MORE >>

A Garbled Translation - By Richard Jack Smith
When Secret Service agent Tobin Keller (Sean Penn) suddenly opens up to Silvia Broome (Nicole Kidman) about his wife dying in a car accident, the moment feels forced and out of context. Much of The Interpreter treads along in this way as the seemingly random plot makes little... MORE >>

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