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Rated 3.04 stars
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3.04 Stars3.04 Stars3.04 Stars
Rated 3.04 stars by 2742 people
Bride and Prejudice

Official Website
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Theater Release: 10/8/2004
Video Release: 7/5/2005
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Austen Translation - By David Haviland
Gurinder Chadha’s last film was Bend It Like Beckham, a wonderful treat which became a surprise global hit. For her latest she has chosen another national treasure, Pride and Prejudice, and adapted this most English of novels into a lurid, Bollywood-style musical.... MORE >>

Go Together Like a Horse and Carriage - By Donald Levit
Dracula and Little Women now Great White Way musicals, a next logical illogical step had to be Jane Austen as song-and-dance celluloid. After all, it has been sixty-four years since, with a superb cast and a screenplay by Aldous Huxley from Helen Jerome’s 1935 stage adaptation,... MORE >>

The Arrival of Rai - By Jeffrey Chen
How hyped up are reports of Aishwarya Rai's beauty? Famous film critic Roger Ebert recently made the statement that Rai was "the world's second most beautiful woman." When one of his readers asked him who he considered the first, Ebert rather humorously replied, "Aishwarya... MORE >>

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