We are currently looking for talented critics who would like to get in on the ground floor while ReelTalk is in its early stages.
Right now, we're accepting applications from critics interested in writing quality reviews/features for the ReelTalk website and in receiving remuneration for these articles.
Although ReelTalk is not making a profit now, with the anticipated release of the business affiliate programs soon, we're expecting profits to occur in the near future. Because our current income is unpredictable at this time, we can't pay a set amount per article, but we will offer you a share of the profits.
For your commitment to writing a minimum of 4 (four) approved reviews or features each month, we will give you a 5% cut of ReelTalk’s net monthly income.
In addition, as an affiliate critic, you will receive credit for every review or feature you write in the form of a by-line which will include a link to your biography page on ReelTalk and a link to your own personal website.
With ReelTalk already receiving over 8000 page views a month (and growing), this is an excellent opportunity for a critic to gain exposure and recognition.
Are you interested yet?
Read the Critic Affiliate Agreement* and then Contact Us!
Note: Not all affiliate applications will be accepted. While the number of ReelTalk critic affiliates is currently capped at four,
that number may change in the future.
* Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader